Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
West Coast Cavaliers breeds select Cavalier King Charles Spaniel litters a few times a year. We never know how many, color or sex will be born, so the time frame vs list can change rapidly. The best way to see if we have any Cavalier King Charles puppies for sale at this time, is to follow our Facebook page where we post current litters, upcoming litters and availability weekly.
A healthy & happy Cavalier King Charles puppy that thrives, is not the place to bargain shop. West Coast Cavaliers sires & dams are AKC registered. They are OFA certified. They are Embark DNA tested. They live in a happy, healthy environment. This produces healthy, happy puppies that thrive. We would be happy to discuss price once we approve your application. We would like you to be aware of differences in prices however. Puppy mill Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies are half the price but you unfortunately get what you pay for. Most horror stories around cavaliers health, tooth loss, medical bills, behavior problems all stem from puppy milled King Charles Cavaliers. So please be careful with whomever you choose to get your CKCS from.
West Coast Cavalier King Charles Spaniels puppies come with:
Our fur'kids are fed homemade food (our videos are on tiktok) They drink only filtered water. They are never caged. They have individual open playpens they can come & go as they please. They get daily vitamins. They all have regular health checks, DNA testing & OFA certifications (at age appropriate times).
We play all kinds of different music each day. We never yell. The parents & puppies thrive in a happy & healthy environment. They are our four-legged kids until they become yours. We take them for rides so they are used to cars. We run the vacuum so they aren't afraid of noises. They live right there with everyone all around. Lol. It's our life and we love it.
West Coast Cavaliers only breeds Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Our King Charles Cavaliers are family-raised inside our home. They are our fur’babies, our family, our pride and joys. We don't own any kennels. Our dogs have comfy, open-door playpen type “kennels” inside our home where they can go to curl up at will. (They usually are all piled up on the couch!) They are our Pets, our Family first and foremost. They are in our entire home, and often under our feet. They share our entire day to day activities with us, including watching tv, mowing the yard, vacuuming and laundry.
West Coast Cavaliers has AKC certifications in:
Canine Anatomy, Dog Breeding Genetics, Evaluating Structure & Balance, Whelping & Medical Intervention, Breeding Systems, Genetic Defects & Health, Canine Genetics, Nutritional Influences on Reproduction, Pedigree Knowledge, Kennel Blindness, Breeding Basics, & Canine Breeding Selection.
West Coast Cavaliers also holds certifications in:
Canine First Aid, Pet Psychology, Pet Nutrition, Canine Nurture Foundations, Dog Enrichment, Patient & Polite Dog Education, Leash Reactive, and Dogs & Kids Interaction course.
West Coast Cavaliers is also the author of numerous articles as well as the book So You Have a Cavalier...Now What?
We also sit as the Admin on numerous Facebook Cavalier pages with the objective to assist Cavalier owners in having the best relationship with their Cavaliers. We also monitor and remove scammers to protect potential buyers.
West Coast Cavaliers is affiliated with the AKC, ACA, CKC (Canadian), ASPCA, CKCSC-USA, OFA, CKCS United,and Cavalier Rescue USA. We are also an AKC Bred with HEART breeder.
West Coast Cavaliers would hope that you do your research on any breeder that you are considering. Yes, there are lots of bad breeders, backyard breeders, puppy mills & scammers out there. We see them all the time, and it is very frustrating to us as well. Especially when they steal photos from established breeders and use them to hurt others by misrepresenting the puppies ownership and availability.
All we can say is we are legitimate. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. See our photos, live videos, comments, timeline. Text, call or email. After speaking with West Coast Cavaliers, we know you will feel very confident in knowing you are safe to move forward. And if for some reason, something doesn't settle right with you, let us know! We want to fix it, cause if you are thinking it, odds are someone else is too.
We are also an Breeder with H.E.A.R.T with the AKC.
We understand the importance of transparency in our breeding practices and recognize the value of sharing OFA certifications online. However, we've made a deliberate decision not to post these certifications due to the unfortunate prevalence of scammers who exploit such documentation to deceive unsuspecting families.
Scammers often steal OFA certificates and other official documents, such as AKC papers, to lend credibility to their fraudulent profiles. As responsible breeders, we prioritize the welfare of both our puppies and the families who adopt them. Therefore, we take proactive measures to safeguard our information from being used as a tool in these deceptive schemes.
Instead of posting OFA certifications online indiscriminately, we provide all necessary documentation to families who have demonstrated genuine interest and commitment to becoming responsible pet owners. By verifying the sincerity of potential buyers, we aim to ensure that our puppies are placed in loving and secure homes where they will receive the care and attention they deserve.
We regret any inconvenience this precaution may cause, but we believe it's a necessary step in protecting both our integrity as breeders and the well-being of our beloved animals. Thank you for your understanding and trust in our commitment to ethical breeding practices. If you have any further questions or would like to inquire about our certifications, please don't hesitate to contact us directly.
West Coast Cavaliers periodically does show our Cavaliers in the AKC, UKC and periodically the IABCA! We are proud to say that our Cavaliers, particularly Sir Weston Irvin, have made history in the show ring. Weston recently earned his International Champion title at the IABCA dog show, becoming the first chocolate Cavalier to achieve this milestone in conformation. He has also secured Champion status with the UKC, making him the only chocolate Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to achieve this distinction in the USA, and possibly worldwide. Showing our Cavaliers not only highlights their beauty and conformation but also allows us to promote and celebrate the diversity within the breed.
Our Cavaliers also compete in Barnhunt, Lure Coursing and other agility events in the UKC, AKC, NASDA, UKC and other sporting associations.
We also have numerous AKC Champion offspring lines and continue to work with select show breeders to help "clean up" their lines.
West Coast Cavaliers does not sell to breeders. This was a choice made that was not made lightly. We have chosen to provide families with wonderful family pets that are happy and healthy. Our sales contract includes a mandatory spay/neuter clause. While we retire a female after only breeding three times, other breeders may breed more. It is our personal experience that once a puppy is sold to another breeder, we no longer have any input to their breeding standards or overall program practices. Our puppies are our heart & family and we only want the very best for their futures, and we believe that is in loving family homes not in a breeding kennel.
Our cavalier king charles spaniel puppies are adopted quickly, so reach out to reserve your furever friend or to ask any questions.
West Coast Cavaliers
Hoquiam, Washington, United States
Copyright © 2022 West Coast Cavaliers - All Rights Reserved.
Where Healthy & Happy Puppies Thrive ®